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发布时间:2024-07-24 17:25:20 学习方法 0次 作者:合肥育英学校



The first obstacle:the limitation of your vocabulary.Solution:Read more books,you needn't try to remember every new words,you will familar with them after you met them thousands of times.


The second obstacle:You may have great difficulty in learning English grammar. Solution:Read more,grammar is nothing after you command a great deal essay.

The third obstacle:You may feel boring while you learning English. Solution:cultivate an interest in English.read/listen/watch some interesting English article.

The fourth obstacle:lack of courage to speak English out.Solution:everyone may afraid of mistakes.I think it's necessary to make this clear to you:mistake is inevitable. Learn through each of your mistakes and never allow the fear of making one hold you back.

The fifth obstacle:you English writing ability is not very good.Solution: write English diary everyday.download a software(if you have PC) to check every word you don't know but should use.
